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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Best $10 I Ever Spent!

It's summer, or the end of it I should say, and us oily/combo girls need some help! I will FOREVER stand by that face masks, change lives. Lol
Truth be told they do help immensely, so adding one to your current skincare routine can only help improve your skin.
I use a variety different masks, depending on time of year, results I'm looking for,  and my current skin condition.
I use the Boots Botanics Shine Away clay mask to purify and mattify. It's great for any age, even teenagers, starting them out on the path to great skincare.
If you're oily, you use it all over the face, it dries fairly quickly, in less than 10 minutes. For combo girls, with an oily T zone, you can use it as a spot mask on the nose and forehead.
This mask can be used  at least one a week, and as needed. It also retails, just under our $10 price range.