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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Beauty News!!! 5/5-5/11 INCLUDING my adventures at "The Makeup Show"

First I'll jump right into sales.

Ulta has the same sales I posted last week.

Sephora has a special so when you order online you receive 5 free samples instead of the usual 3.

Philosophy has a 40% off sale on select items on their website.

Maybelline, Covergirl, Revlon, and Neutrogena are BOGO 50%
Clean & Clean 2/$10

Rite Aid
Revlon 40%
Neutrogena cleansers & wipes, Covergirl, Almay, Maybelline lip & nail, Aveeno, Lubriderm and Clean&Clear are BOGO 50%
L'Oreal products are $7.99

L'Oreal, NYC, Almay, Revlon, Neutrogena, Olay and CVS brand are BOGO 50%

On to The Makeup Show...
     This was my first show, so of course I had dreams of grandeur about what I was going to accomplish. I mapped the companies I HAD to go to and the seminars I HAD to attend. Those things didn't go as planned. For the seminars, I would have had to be seated at least an hour before the seminar started, which meant sitting through a seminar I didn't really want to see. So I got to see 0 seminars :(
     The deals were great though. Of course being a 'pro only' event, pro discounts and above pro discounts were available. I did pretty well and even got to talk with one of the founders of MAKE cosmetics. They are a very young (new) cosmetics company, less than a year old. As I was told, they are the "hipster version of NARS." They also donate a potion of their proceeds to charity. I fell in love with the website and the story, so I'll be looking for more on this brand.
    Crown brushes was there, but since the table was so crowded I didn't spend much time there. I saw a set I liked, but I do not like to pay for brushes I won't use and never got a chance to check out the individuals. Plus I like synthetic brushes, b/c they can be easily sanitized and Crown does not offer a lot of fully synthetic brushes. I found another brush company, Bdellium Tools. all these brushes are synthetic, or synthetic mixed. They are usually vegan and cruelty free. I bought 3 basic brushes from their new antibacterial line. YES! I said it, ANTIBACTERIAL makeup brushes!!! Can't wait to try it.
I am positive these brushes will make it to the blog based on the physical properties, feel and price alone.
     I bought lots of other things that I am more than excited to try, but I can't tell you all my secrets now or why else would you come back every week to keep reading? I just wish they gave out more free samples.
 For the next years show I know I need to:
1. bring a friend
2. bring a bigger bag
3. make sure I don't have any debit card fraud issues 5 days before the show.
4. be on line to get into the show at least 30 minutes before the doors open.
5. if there is a product you really want from a company that's VERY popular ( Inglot, MAC, Crown, NARS, Make Up Forever) make a list beforehand. Chances are I won't get to see them up close and will waste a lot of time on line and in the crowd and won't get anything.

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