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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Beauty News!

     I know, I know, I've been a little behind on my blogging and it's killing me! It's either sleep or write, and sleep wins usually, sometimes without me knowing!
I'll play catch up this week and get you some much anticipated info RIGHT AWAY!!

Beauty Challenge Update-I've been using my palette for about 2 weeks now and it's going great! I use to worry about the shimmer being too much, but it's actually no so bad, even at work. I do try to save my more extreme combinations for home. ONLY 12 more days!, which means 12 looks...and here I am already feeling like I could go another 30 days!


I know they had their VIB 20% off, which I MISSED and were upset about! I could have gotten so much stuff dirt cheap, combining that with my store discount.
I sure they have another special soon and I will be ALL OVER IT!!

This month you should have gotten your magazine with your ULTA rewards coupon, FREE Ulta product coupon and $3.50 off coupon.
Ulta brand products are BOGO FREE
There's a 5 for $5 deal on select products
Also there's BOGO 50% on NYX, Jane, Ecotools and Real Techniques, Covergirl, Physicians Formula, Revlon, L'Oreal and Maybelline.

BOGO 50%- L'Oreal, Maybelline, Wet n' Wild, Physicians Formula, Essence of Beauty, Neutrogena, Roc, Clean and Clear, Revlon.
Rimmel 40% off

Rite Aid
Revlon and Wet n' Wild 40% off
BOGO 50% L'Oreal, Covergirl, Cetaphil, St. Ives, Ponds, Simple, and Noxema
Almay removers $4.99

L'Oreal, select liners, mascara and lip products $6.99
L'Oreal skincare 20% off
BOGO 50% Neutrogena, Cerve, Wet n' Wild
Revlon 40% off

For my convenience and that fact that it would makes sense, I'll be switching some dates that I post things in my blog!
On Friday - I'll post the sales for the following week.
On Sunday- I'll post my reviews
On Wednesday- I'll post my $1 *GEMS* and Best $10 or less I ever spent!

News on $1 *GEMS*- When I took on this task, KNEW it would be difficult! So lately I haven't been able to find a $1 beauty items that actually work well. Don't fret!! I'm always looking and I'll let you know what I find ASAP, even if it might be an almost $2 *GEM* :/

Have a great week and you'll be hearing from me soon!

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