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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Best $10 I ever spent AND $1gem

     I had to join these two segments this week because it was absolutely necessary!
     I am not familiar with Ruby Kisses. I've seen them around and I did try their liquid liner once. It was was good, but as I recall I found a cheaper on that was better. It happens!!
Anyway, after seeing this in the  store many times I decided to buy them. I went to my gem of a beauty supply store on my way to the train...I tend to factor in an additional 10 minutes to my trip just so I can browse.
     So I see these Ruby Kisses colors and I'm amazed! They're bright! VERY bright and I couldn't help myself. They reminded me of when I brought by first bright palette,  the sky opened up and I heard the cosmetic angels sing. With the colors, I saw a customizable 4 color palette, so naturally I just had to by 4 to fill it!  I chose 4 colors that I would wear together and give me a variety of looks.  There are matte and shimmer finishes for almost every color. I chose all shimmer b/c I have a matte bright palette already. I did choose 1 matte in white. (Because now I'm on the hunt for a true white shadow and I want to see if it delivers.)
The palette was $3
Each shadow was $1!!!!
      If you want to fill the palette it would only cost you $7  (without tax of course)
     There are 34 colors to choose from, so have a ball and make your palette to fit you, your lifestyle  and your taste!
      As for the eyeshadow.  It's soft. They are very blendable! You can actually mix a whole new color right on your eye.
     They are rather pigmented and used with a primer the colors become even brighter. There is also no fallout. Might I add that the shadows last all day!
                                                                   ADDED BONUS!!!
I walked into Bloomingdales today and was complimented on my makeup by the Estee Lauder consultant and the MAC consultant...wouldn't they be shocked to know my eyeshadow was $1!!

In the top left-  outside of the palette, top right-inside of the palette, filled with my original 4 choices
bottom-the inside of the palette and my additional colors


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