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Friday, April 18, 2014

7 Tips and Tricks to Keeping up with your Skincare Routine

They say it takes 6 weeks to form a habit. One healthy habit we should all have is an EFFECTIVE skincare routine. I know it can be hard to keep up this habit, especially on days when we get home late and can't be bothered with the process.

1. Organization
     I know how it is, small bathroom, no space, no shelving or other storage options and barely any space on the sink for your toothbrush holder and hand soap. I got those cheaply made, adjustable corner shelves (that use to be seen on tv) and put them in my bathroom. 1 shelf by the sink holds my cleansers and mask (any product that needs to be rinsed off) That way the products are always within reach. Plus, they are right in front of my face. I can't miss them!
     Anything that doesn't need water (serums, moisturizers, treatments) goes in another place. ( I usually keep my makeup wipes and removers in this place too) I have no room on my dressers to store products, I use to use my coffee table as a meeting spot for my products. Again, they were right in from of my face as I'm staring at my computer or the tv.
If this it too messy to keep in public, keep them on a vanity or on top of a dresser. You can also put the products in a basket that can be whisked out of sight when company comes over. That way at least all the products stay together.

1b. Keep you daytime products (that don't require water) near your makeup, that way you won't forget to apply them, or spend extra time trying to locate them in the morning.

2. Multitasking Products
     Don't have time for all the steps it takes to keep you skin looking it's best, buy products that fit multiple needs. There are lots of moisturizing day creams with spf, cleansers with exfoliating beads and of course cleansers designed to treat a variety of skin issues. This way if you miss a step, or skip a step, you would have used a substitute without even thinking about it.
      I use to have a "lazy cleanser", it was Yes to Grapefruits. I enjoyed this product, because it as a cleanser, exfoliator and treated dark spots. All I did was throw on moisturizer and hit the hay.

3. Date your skin
     Light some candles, play some soft music and put on a nice foamy luscious facial cleanser :)
     What I really mean is set a day and time aside each week (or more than one day, if necessary and feasible) to truly give you skin the FULL treatment. I usually do it on Sunday, between 8-9pm, this is spa time!

4. Make Lifestyle Choices
     Pick products that fit you lifestyle. If you don't have 15 minutes to wait for a mask to dry, try a different product. There are masks on the market the require 1-3 minutes to set.
Don't have time to exfoliate? Get products the exfoliate while you sleep.
This goes along with choosing multitasking products as well.

5. If  You Must, Make Smart Cuts
     You're in a rush or just extra tired from a long day.
At night: you wash your face, but you just want to jump into bed. Great! one night without your serums won't hurt. (maybe you can even grab some night cream on the way to bed...maybe)
In the morning: your running late, with out time to give you face a proper beat (makeup slang). You are going to need a product with SPF in it. With BB cream, CC cream or tinted moisturizer, you can skip the moisturizer and just use the cream.
     In a moisturizer, foundation, powder situation (all containing spf) you could skip the foundation, using only the moisturizer and powder.

6. Work, Even on OFF Days
     The secret to mastering ANY routine is to do it consistently. On your off days, keep up your skincare regimen. Even on days when I don't plan on leaving my house, I still wake up and wash my face in the morning and at night.

7. If anything, ANYTHING at all, PLEASE remove your makeup
     You get home late, you feel hungry, sleepy and *blah* all at the same time. If anything, anything at all, remove your makeup. If you're not wearing makeup, give you face a quick rinse, or even quicker, use a cleansing wipe or cotton round with witchazel.

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