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Sunday, April 14, 2013

BEAUTY NEWS!!! 4/14-4/20

Sephora  is having a sale! You will get 15% off ANYTHING by using the code: CHIC or print out the coupon and use it in store.
BUT, you must be a Beauty Insider, so if you haven't signed up already, PLEASE do so.

Here are my recommendations:

1. Origins Clear Improvement Charcoal mask-I already own this and use it at least once a week. LOVE!!!
It comes in 2 sizes  $16-$23, with the 15% - $13.60-$19.65. Even if you get the smaller one it will last a long time! I've been using it for 3weeks and I easily have enough for 3/4 months.

2. Sephora Waterproof eye makeup remover-I've expressed my love for this product previously so go get it! $9.50, with 15%- $8.08

3. Bliss Foaming Face wash- I tried this for a week as my morning cleanser. It's gentle enough for everyday use. I will full review it later, but I can say this is definitely on my list of great gentle washes. Comes in 2 sizes $9-$24 with the 15% $7.65-$20.40

4. Ole Henriksen Grease Relief Astringent- I sampled his product and have decided to incorporate it into me routine...the problem with it, THE COST. It's $30, with the 15% $25.50
I MIGHT buy this, but since it's out of stock online I will have to go in store to get it.

Rite Aid- Covergirl, L'Oreal, Almay eye cosmetics, Physicians Formula, Revlon, Maybelline and Rite Aid renewal products are all BOGO 50%

CVS- Maybelline, Revlon, Milani, Almay, Clean&Clear and Neutrogena moisturizers are BOGO 50%
Neutrogena cleansers are 2/$11

Check out the Ulta sale page- they have to many deals available, as always :)

For any readers in Australia check out Mirenesse cosmetics. You can order 6 FREE SAMPLES for just the price of shipping and handling. I would order some, but the cost for me is just too high.

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