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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

THIS WEEKS REVIEW!! Primer...and primer like products!

Makeup primer is not necessarily a necessity, but if you really want your makeup to last all day, like from work/school in the day time, to party and maybe after party at night, it's a good idea. I normally use primer for events and if I know I'm going to be out of my house for more than 8 hours.
      But which one to use? I hear you asking. Here are some reviews to help you out -with extra added commentary about oily skin gals like 'moi'!
     I wore the same powder foundation (Max Factor), concealer ( Coastal Scents) and corrector (MUD) everyday and DID NOT use a setting spray as I normally do. I used a pea-sized amount for every product. I kept my makeup on for up to 12 hours and checked at the 6  hour mark for shininess and the 8 hour mark to check the coverage.
     Our first product is not a primer, but my mom saw on the internet that it can be used as such. Since I'm curious, as always, I decided to try it.

Monistat Soothing Care $9 ( Now this is a skin protectant for chaffing, but WTH!
First of all it says 'silky' on the label, and it really is silky! I wish all skin products felt this smooth.
I have to say it worked! My makeup stayed on all day, I did get a little shiny in my t-zone area, but I didn't feel oily. My makeup went on as normal. I recommend this product b/c it does double duty! You can use it on your face and...other areas. For $9, having a product that does double duty is golden!

NYC Perfecting Primer $4- ( local drugstores)- I  decided to try this product b/c it was on sale and it was my first primer ever! I have used it before but that was in my "Pre.B." days (pre blog), so I wasn't taking notice. The first thing I did notice though is that this product was thin and had a shimmer to it. When I applied it to my face, it was still shimmery so yes, I was concerned. Then I started to apply my makeup and it was the smoothest application I've ever experienced! I was amazed at what little amount of blending I had to do. My makeup lasted all day with the same shininess as with the other product. Do I recommend this? Of course! just go get it! Like yesterday!! I would say I am partial to this product because of the all day wear and easier makeup application.

Ulta Fabulous Face Foundation Primer $6- (Ulta)- This was the first Ulta brand product I tried. I liked it. It lasted all day and had some of the same ingredients as the Monistat. It even looks and feels the same. My makeup went on the same as always and I had the same shininess with this product as with the others.

3 Smashbox Primers $39 each- ( Sephora, Smashbox) I have the sample sizes shown here.

1. Photofinish Foundation Primer w/ SPF15- My, my, my, how I really expected this to be good!
I was very disappointed! My makeup was off before I even made it home, it was terrible! I thought I would work being that it has a lot of the same ingredients as the Monistat. Maybe it's the added SPF that makes it come off so easily, I don't know. I just know I don't like it.

2. Photofinish Hydrating Primer- Product was a lot better that the other one. It had more of a lotion consistency. It was thinner and creamier than the original Smashbox primer. This one lasted all day w/o incident! I was still shiny, but that seems to be a common factor with every product.
 No change in the way my makeup went on. This product did have a weird smell. I could even smell it while it was on my face. Once I put my makeup on the smell went away.

3. Photofinish Primer- This one is a replica of the first w/o the added SPF.
It lasted long than the first one too, which I was surprised to see. The overall results were the same as the hydrating primer.

Overall, I say I experienced the least amount of  "evening shininess" with the Monistat. I did not find much difference in quality with many of the primers even at the higher price points. I would much rather use a cheaper primer to achieve the same results as a more expensive one.
If you have any questions or comments please leave them below and I'll respond ASAP!

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