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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Feeling pretty WITHOUT makeup!

 Today I left the house makeup free. Not an unusual thing for me, but today I felt different.
Every morning I wash my face, apply a vitamin C drop, then a moisturizing sunscreen, that's where I stopped.
     I never use to make makeup part of my daily routine because it was just too hard and took too much time...or so I thought. I use to only where makeup on special occasions and sometimes that was too often. I thought of makeup as a chore until a year and a 1/2 ago. I figured that if I did my makeup everyday, or at least more often, that like everything else it would get easier. Practice makes perfect.
Did never wearing makeup mean I was more confident than I am now? WRONG. I used to be self conscious a lot. Sometimes during long pauses in conversations with people or when I was doing most of the talking, I would be thinking that the person I was talking to was studying the many dark spots on my face. Sounds crazy, but ever so often a few people would make suggestions on how I could fix them...was that supposed to make me feel better? OF COURSE NOT!
     Once I started doing my makeup more often, I saw how much fun makeup was. My wardrobe consists of 5 colors, so having a comfortable way to experiment with other colors was great. Starting to wear makeup more often made me feel better about living without it. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone but my crazy ass.
     I've been told I don't need makeup or asked why I wear it. No one NEEDS makeup, it's not a necessity. Anyone can benefit from makeup, if they do it RIGHT.
     So today I felt very comfortable and confident with my makeup free face. Tomorrow I'll feel the same in my makeup enhanced face. The day after that who knows what I'll do, but I will still be comfortable and confident.

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